Diving into the Deep

Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that’s the one that is going to help you grow.

Caroline Myss

I have been teetering on the edge of the deep end for years. I have planned, designed and developed numerous blogs, but always when I get to the moment of truth and am a click away from publishing, I get cold feet. The voices in my head convince me once again that it isn’t the right time, that I don’t have enough to say or I don’t have the right things to say, that no one will actually read my posts and whatever else I tell myself that once again convinces me I am unprepared to start swimming in the deep end. Yet, month after month I come back to entertain the idea of putting it all out there and letting my stories find a voice and hopefully a listening ear. Fear keeps me wading in the shallow waters where it is comfortable, but the deep end keeps calling my name, and it’s getting hard to ignore.


Today, January 5, 2017, I am throwing all my chips in and diving into the deep end. I am boldly claiming that I am a blogger, a feminist, a self-proclaimed tree-hugger, a dream-catcher, an adventure-seeker and a Bad Vegan Lady. I’ve read the Blog How To’s, Blogging for Beginners and a hundred other posts explaining how to get started. The steps are easier to read than to execute, especially the .css and .php for a stunning theme (I’m trying to lean into patience with myself as I learn to develop the site, and I hope you will grant me some as well). Still, the advice offered by already established bloggers is helpful, sort of like slipping into my own set of bright yellow blow up wings, but now it’s time to take the plunge, heart-racing and arms flailing. I’m taking the choice that scares me the most, and now it’s time to learn to swim in order to love what I do.


1 Comment

  1. I’m proud of you for finally making the difficult but best choice for you – you’re not alone and I’ll be your listening ears for as long as you’ll have me!

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