
Here’s to strong women. May we know them.

May we be them. May we raise them.

Life is all about stories. The stories that we hear from others, the stories that we tell ourselves and the stories that we live into daily. Stories remind us of our past, define our present and shape our future. Stories are so vital to the way we experience life, that schools build them into the curriculum and we spend years studying them. The only problem is there is an unequal emphasis on “His”Story.

If we stay committed to the desire and demand that the world continue to move forward and for Feminism to help restructure broken systems of oppression, then we need to be reminded of our story. HerStory is not a new story we plan to just make up like fiction. No, HerStory has always been happening, but it is just a story less popularized and promoted by mainstream culture and media. It’s not rewriting History, its giving the rightful value and dignity back to Herstory.

HerStory is about celebrating the women who have walked before us, recognizing the women who are currently making an impact and inspiring girls who will grow into women that will change the world for the better. Compassionate living must seek to create a space for the voices of all to be heard and valued, especially those most overlooked and vulnerable. I think it is about time we dive into HerStory.


  1. I love the concept of compassionate living and your vision for this blog. You always make me proud to call you a friend!

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