Walking Away To Find The Love I Deserve

Poems by Rupi Kaur in my journal to remember that there is better love that I deserve waiting to be found

For years, I have been writing in my journal all the heartaches and lost loves I’ve experienced. I have always been a romantic and love falling in love. Due to that fact, I have a long list of love affairs. Yet when I reread my journals I question whether I was ever really experiencing healthy love.

Many of the relationships and experiences I write about seem extremely one sided. Always with me on the short side. I recognize signs of emotional abuse and unhealthy relationships as a theme coloring the pages of my journals.

In many entries, I even write specifically the red flags I identify in the relationship. Then I proceed to ignore them. After weeks, months or even years, the negative finally is too much to bear, and I eventually walk away. All the while pouring my heart into my journal. Writing about the loss, pain and heartbreak all along the way.

After a certain amount of time I began to get discouraged because I couldn’t seem to learn. The same stories of heartache kept filling the pages of my life. The same mistakes were haunting me endlessly. I wasn’t learning my lesson.

There are many reasons to keep a journal. It helps relieve stress while you’re writing. It is a safe space to truly express yourself. But the most important for me, is that it holds me accountable. It has taken years, but I am beginning to see a slow change.

I still am in love with love, but I am learning how to create boundaries. And I am learning to walk away sooner rather than later. The damage is less. The heartbreak still hurts, but hope for something better keeps me grounded.

Walking away to find the love you deserve is never easy, but it will open you up to better more beautiful things.
“Don’t feel guilty for doing what’s best for you.”

I am learning that it takes more than just asking for the love I deserve. I must set an example by loving myself first and honoring that love. To find the love I deserve, I must go beyond just asking for it and enter into the hard work of refusing to settle for anything less.

I yet again find myself in a situation of love and heartbreak. There is no shortage of the love I have to give and I want so badly for the relationship to work, but the recipient of that love is unavailable. For whatever reason, his words and actions don’t match. He is a wonderful person, and I could go on and on about all the reasons why I love him. But the truth is I am grasping on to some false hope that things will change. That he will eventually give me all the love I deserve instead of the measured-out doses that satisfy his desires but fail to cure mine.

This time I am finally writing a new story in my journal. This time I am going to not just ask, but demand for the love I deserve by walking away. I no longer want to settle for loving a man that refuses to offer the same love in return. It hurts to walk away, but in reality, I win.

Saying goodbye isn’t easy, but it opens me up for something better. Saying goodbye creates a boundary for healthy love to flourish. He will either figure out his desires for me and remedy the situation due to my absence or he won’t. But either way I get the love I deserve, starting by offering it to myself and settling for no less.


  1. “I am learning that it takes more than just asking for the love I deserve. I must set an example by loving myself first and honoring that love. To find the love I deserve, I must go beyond just asking for it and enter into the hard work of refusing to settle for anything less.”

    Just reread this, so relevant. Thanks for leaning into vulnerable for our benefit. LOVE YOU BEAUTIFUL GIRL.

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