April Queen Bee: Liz Uno

April Queen Bee Liz is ready for anything Peace Corps Zambia has to throw her way with an umbrella as bright as her personality and her trusty chicken sidekick Earth...or is it Wind?


Liz Kei Uno

How old are you?

25 years under the sun.

Where do you call home?

Beautiful California

What do you do for a living/profession?

Linking Income Food and Environment (LIFE) Volunteer in Peace Corps Zambia and mixed media artist.

April Queen Bee Liz with her puppy Belika are all smiles

When do you feel most empowered and alive?

For me, nature inspires a deep calmness and connection to all beings. When I sit and listen to the water and trees and birds and bugs, the whole world opens up. Being in water and completely held by it brings the same feelings of connection and bliss. To me, it is sweetly natural and so fundamental. Recognizing our connection to everything around us and appreciating each component feels powerfully alive. Inspired by nature and patterns; creating art is another passionate form of expression and connection.

Where do you see compassion shaping your life?

I try to approach each day with compassion and gratitude. Compassion in the ways that we treat other people and the ways that we understand one another and our personal interactions. Compassion in the love that we share and receive. In the ways that we love  our dogs and chickens, and the animals and insects and the plant world that we live intimately within. When working with the land and in the garden I feel incredible love for the life and energy of the plants and how they grow and communicate. I strive to treat all beings with respect and appreciation and in these beautiful spaces each day becomes a miracle.

What dreams/goals do you hope to achieve in the next 5 years?

Living in the village in Zambia for the upcoming third year, I hope to learn more about the people and culture that has already taught me so much and allowed me to bear witness. To keep learning about growing plants and healthy food while increasing access to these foods that provide so much vitality and nourishment. I hope to continue exploring new places, asking lots of questions, and striving to be happy. The To continue doing things that I love and think are interesting and important. Making art and collaborating with creative and passionate people. To keep working hard and having faith in each other and our planet.

Queen Bee Liz grows watermelons in rural Zambia as part of a Linking Income Food and Environment project

Who is your role model and why?

There are so many people who inspire me constantly in their lives and in their small actions and attitudes. Karen May taught me so much about loving fearlessly and embracing life. She always made you feel good and valuable. She was bursting with life and humor and selflessness. We worked and played together in San Luis Obispo. We always promised each other we would never grow up. She will always be a best friend and inspiration to how much love we are capable of.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

I would love to turn into a bird that can fly and swim underwater.

What is your favorite veggie-friendly dish?

Definitely extra spicy tofu pad thai! With endless rice and Kikkoman

Bad Vegan Lady Vegetarian Style

Queen Bee Liz has two wonderfully friendly chickens, Earth and Wind that make the Blue House (where she lives) their comfortable home

For how long have you been vegetarian?

Three years

What is the funniest misconception about vegetarians?

That I eat fish, which I don’t.

What is your favorite part of being vegetarian?

 Eating food that is delicious and nourishing. Being conscious of what and why I am eating.  Being aware and grateful for all of the elements that have gone into each meal. From the soil, water, sunlight, work and energy of many people and resources.

What is your advice to those testing the waters of vegetarianism?

 Do what allows you to live the most fulfilling, compassionate, aware, and loving lifestyle. To strive to grow and evolve everyday. Living a lifestyle that helps us and others along this journey. For someone seeking advice, keep trying and stay forgiving.

Labels aren’t as important as our choices.