Dear Man, Do Better.

Dear Men, Do Better. If you're a man who understands, this won't offend you, it will inspire you on to something better!

So today two things happened that prompted this blog. First, Facebook reminded me that “On This Day” one year ago, I wrote this poem. The second was I received a very upset comment from a man about a previous post, Fragile Masculinity. He did not agree with me and in fact, I was way out of my place. He was not the first and will not be the last man to feel the need to shut me up. But where’s the fun in staying quiet?

I think if you follow my blog, or know me, you know I don’t actually hate men. And my use of the hashtag #menaretrash wasn’t targeted to those men, who in fact, are actively participating in disrupting the current state of inequality when it comes to gender. But that is not all men. And so we must keep pointing it out and seeking something better.

I wrote this poem a year ago because of my experience at a bus station, but the essence remains true even today. Poetry offers an opportunity to bring a creative life force to share my frustrations and anger while still allowing the possibility of hope for something better. Hope you enjoy.

Dear Man, Do Better

Dear man, I wasn’t created for your pleasure and enjoyment.
I wasn’t created as your toy to be played with and controlled.

Dear man, no, I don’t appreciate when you lie about the departure time of the bus so you can have a few extra hours to harass me.
No, I don’t appreciate you thinking it is my job to humor your intrusive comments and continuous unwanted advances.

Dear man, it is not your right to touch me without my permission.

I am not yours.
It is not your right to comment on my body and how you enjoy it.

I am not yours.

Dear man, I wish you could see me for who I actually am, a human being, just like you.
I wish you could see me for who I actually am, a valuable inhabitant of this earth we share.

Dear man, I have thoughts, feelings and emotions beyond what your blind eyes can see.
I have a voice and important things to say beyond what your deaf ears can hear.

Dear man, one day you will realize what you are missing out on by failing to treat me as your equal.
One day you will realize how much better the world would be if you actually treated me as the equal I already am, but you continue to fail to accept.

Dear man, do better.
Do better.

I would love to hear what you do to bring creative healing to your anger and frustrations. Or how you see men in your life doing better as a blessing to your soul. Stay connected and let the adventures continue!

1 Comment

  1. This is beautiful. Men really need to step it up and do better; especially when it comes to thinking women exist for their pleasure.

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